İnci ezgi Apanlar
I mute my phone to improve my sleep quality. I lock my door because my sleep is sensitive because if someone enters the room I wake up instantly.
12 de jun. de 2021 6:11
Correcciones · 3
I mute my phone to improve my sleep quality. I lock my door because I am a light sleeper and if someone enters the room I wake up instantly.
12 de junio de 2021
I mute my phone to improve my sleep quality. I lock my door because my sleep is sensitive because if someone enters the room I wake up instantly.
Listen to some calming music before you go to bed or while you think of sleeping. You can find lots of these videos on YouTube. These videos normally have natural sounds which soothe your mind and as a result, you get a good quality sleep. Also, do yoga/meditation each morning.
16 de junio de 2021
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