Gulmira Suyentayeva
"share you" or "share with you"? Hello, if I want to share some information with somebody,  how can I say? 
I wanna share with you some information  or 
I wanna share you with some  information???
15 de dic. de 2018 3:47
Comentarios · 7
Yes, Gulmira, that’s correct English. Despite my previous comment, I like the way you’ve put the shorter phrase (“with you”) before the longer phrase (“some words related to our family”).

15 de diciembre de 2018
Yes, I mean “today I’d like to share some new words related to our family (with someone)"
For example, our teacher says: 
In today's lesson I want to share with you some new words related to our family. 
Is it correct ?

15 de diciembre de 2018
"share you" значит "делить тебя", "делиться тобой".
15 de diciembre de 2018
Hi, Gulmira. I’m afraid we absolutely need the “with” (prepositions other than "to" cannot be dropped in English): “I want to share some information with you.” Also, notice that the direct object normally comes before the prepositional phrase in English.

15 de diciembre de 2018
Phil, thank you very much for helping me)
15 de diciembre de 2018
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