Maxim Malla
My Favorite Leisure Activities My favorite leisure activities are reading books, meeting friends and playing indoor sports. I generally read novel and magazine,because romantic novel gives me pleasure and magazine gives me many tips of how to spend healthy life style. For me, ideal time for reading is in the evening. I choose this time due a peaceful environment surrounding my neighborhood. If I have a free time, sometimes I prefer to go to the park and meet my friends. Meeting a friend is, i suppose, best way to wind down and share our knowledge and experiences.When i meet my friends, it gives me such a relief and also I am able to up to date with what my friends are doing recently. Another way to utilize my spare time is to play indoor sports. I normally play basketball and volleyball. I guess, this games are great for exercise, because these are not as heavy game as other one. Not only does the sport helps us to keep in fit but also teach us team work skills. As you have seen here, playing indoor games, meeting with friends and reading books and magazines are the main favorite pastime activities of mine.
14 de feb. de 2014 1:30