Thinking about tomorrow now i making pant for tomorrow,i thinking about that what should i do tomorrow ,i thought i can't watse my time,and i will graduate soon.i want improve my english,and i love english,but i found that i am short of action,so i should do something to supervise my action,tomorrow i will get up at 6:30am,then go to the playground to run 3 laps,after that i will practice my english,then go to attend the classes,at 4:30pm,i will see some vodio about news or other things,then at 8pm i will see english grammar,at 11:30,i will sleep,so that is my tomorrw's pants,i will try my best to finish my pants,so do my best
23 de sep. de 2014 14:42
Correcciones · 1

Thinking About Tomorrow

Now I'm making plans for tomorrow, I'm thinking about_what I should do. I can't waste my time because I will graduate soon. I want to improve my English, which I love, but I found that I need to take actionI should do something to increase my progress. Tomorrow I will get up at 6:30 am, then I'll go to the athletic track to run 3 laps. After that I will practice my English, then I'll attend classes at 4:30pm. After that, I will see some videos about news or other things, then at 8pm I will study English grammar. At 11:30 I will go to bed, so that is my plan for tomorrowI will try my best! :D

23 de septiembre de 2014
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