Relationships and life Why do people need to have relationships in their lives? I believe that every kind of relationships have endings after all as once it starts. I think relationships give people vitality but sometimes I think to myself why do we need it even though we know it ends some day. We can't do anything about losing someone like our family from death but what about the others only made from trust and good feeling and it ends up with a sad story? I'm not angry or something but just wondering.
21 de nov. de 2014 4:09
Correcciones · 2

Relationships and life

Why do people need to have relationships in their lives? I believe that every kind of relationships have endings after all as once it starts. I think relationships give people vitality but sometimes I think to myself why do we need it even though we know it ends some day. We can't do anything about losing someone like our family from death but what about the others only made from trust and good feeling and it ends up with a sad story? I'm not angry or something but just wondering.


Relationships and life
Why do people need to have relationships in their lives? I believe that every kind of relationships have has an endings after all as once it starts. I think relationships give people vitality but sometimes I think to myself why do we need them even though we know it ends some day. We can't do anything about when we losing lose someone like in our family from death, but what about the others? They are only made from trust and good feelings and it that ends up as with a sad story. I'm not angry or something, just wondering.

21 de noviembre de 2014
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