Motivation Letter part 2 (please check for mistakes) At secondary school, I had an active stand in life: I have participated in different educational events, wrote for a wall newspaper and took out a subscription for a magazine. I was particularly interested in information security, scientific discoveries and applied mathematics. Besides, I used to swim, took part in competitions, I was even awarded with medals. I also love to play chess, backgammon and domino. In different ages I was reading different books but of all ages my favorite ones are “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking and “The Lord of the Rings” by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. I have many useful skills such as inventiveness, perseverance, stress resistance, educability. Also I easily get on well with other people. Every characteristic demonstrated itself and made me the way I am right now. Thinking about what I am going to do in the future, I see myself as a successful leader of a small company which is producing different kinds of automatic machines, such as robots, smart homes and so on. In the near future I am planning to go on a big journey around China, visiting world well-known touristic sights, for example: The Great Wall, Terracotta Army, Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City, Du Fu's Thatched Cottage, The Summer Palace, The Old Summer Palace, Wanping Fortress, The Zhaojun Tomb, The Bell of Good Luck and The Stone City. In addition, I would like to try working in Chinese Software Developing Company or Advancing Technology Company in order to gain experience. One of the most important things for me are self-fulfilment, comfortable company and family. I would like to have an opportunity to study at your University. And of course I will do everything required from me and you will not be disappointed.
19 de dic. de 2014 4:59
Correcciones · 1

At During secondary school, I had an active stand in a very active life. I have participated in different educational events, wrote for a wall newspaper and<em> took out a subscription for a</em> <em>magazine </em>(what do you mean by this?). I was particularly interested in information security, scientific discoveries and applied mathematics. BesidesIn addition, I used to swim, took part in competitions, I and was even awarded with medals. I also loved to play chess, backgammon and domino. <em>In different ages I was reading different books but of all ages</em> (what do you mean by this?) my favorite ones are “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking and “The Lord of the Rings” by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. 

I have many useful skills such as inventivenesscreativity, perseverance, stress resistance to stress, educabilityand I am a fast learner. Also I easily I also get on well with other people. <em>Every characteristic demonstrated itself</em>(what do you mean by this?) and made me the way I am right now.
Thinking When I think about what I am going to do in the future, I see myself as a successful leader of a small company which is producing produces different kinds of automatic machines such as robots and smart homes and so on. In the near future I am planning to go on a big journey around China, visiting world tp visit the well-known touristic sights, for example such as: The Great Wall, Terracotta Army, Temple of Heaven, Forbidden City, Du Fu's Thatched Cottage, The Summer Palace, The Old Summer Palace, Wanping Fortress, The Zhaojun Tomb, The Bell of Good Luck and The Stone City. In addition, I would like to try working in for a Chinese Software Developing Company or an Advancing Technology Company in order to gain experience. One of The most important things for me are self-fulfilment, <em>comfortable</em> company(This is a bit awkward. You could say "good company" or "close friends" or "friends") and family.
I would like to have an opportunity to study at your University. And of course I will do everything required from me and if selected, I am confident that you will not be disappointed.


Hi! Great start, but you need some more work on this essay before you send it to a University. What was the prompt for this essay?

19 de diciembre de 2014
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