some questions!:)2 1_how to read these number for "Diagonal"? _3Cm 5Millimeter _8Cm 9Millimeter _15 Millimeter _27 5Millimeter 2_how to say these sentences in chinese?(in simple grammaer) _where can i use this ? _when do you start to Produce my goods? _Espresso _Thin _Horny _Soft _Loose _It was a pity 3_is my sentence correct?我是批发商
18 de mar. de 2015 6:25
Correcciones · 2
thanks so much!
30 de marzo de 2015
1. (a) 3厘米又5毫米 or 3.5厘米 (b)ditto 同上 (c) 15毫米 (d) 二十七点五毫米(27.5mm) 2. (a)在哪能用得上这个? (b) 你什么时候开始生产我的货? (c)浓缩咖啡 (but if you wanna order one in China, it is better to say the English word) (d) 细 or 爆 or 瘦 (e)淫荡(slut) (f)柔 or 轻 (g)松 or 散漫 (h)真可惜 or 真遗憾 for (d)(f)(g), I recommande you put the word in a sentence and that will help to translate. 3. perfect I am a wholesaler
18 de marzo de 2015
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