Mika Lee
Tutor de la comunidad
怎么说话也要设计一下 | 🙈 “这个瓜好苦,能吃吗?” “什么苦不能吃,都能吃。” “你吃了一个看起来是南瓜,切开来是哈密瓜,吃起来像苦瓜的瓜。” “你们程序猿的脑子就是比普通人多好几何倍的坑啊,转得不一般快!” You have to design what you say| "This melon is so bitter. Can you eat it?" "You can eat anything you can't eat." "You ate a melon that looks like a pumpkin and is cut into Hami melon. It tastes like balsam pear." "Your programming ape's brain is a pit that is geometric times better than ordinary people. It turns very fast!"🤣
13 de ago. de 2021 14:27