what's the different, "have married" , "have been married" i have married. i have been married.
23 de jul. de 2011 17:15
Respuestas · 10
This is a more complicated question than you might think. I HAVE MARRIED…..means…. I have taken a spouse…or…I have wed. This is the present perfect tense of the verb ‘to marry’. I HAVE BEEN MARRIED has two possible meanings 1) ‘married’ is an adjective meaning “the state of matrimony” I am married….. …….I am in the state of matrimony. I was married……….. I was in the state of matrimony. I have been married….I have been in the state of matrimony. 2) “I have been married” can be the present perfect passive form of the transitive verb “to marry” meaning ‘to perform a wedding.’ A priest has married me to my wife. Active voice I have been married by a priest…….Passive voice
23 de julio de 2011
It is: I am married and I was married
23 de julio de 2011
It depends how you say it. I have been married for one year. It means I still am. Have married. I have been married. We don't know if you are still married. Someone smarter will give you a better answer.
23 de julio de 2011
thanks a lot.
24 de julio de 2011
I have married. The word married here is a verb in the present perfect. I have been married. The word married here is an adjective. (as a verb, it would be: I have been marrying) Do you need an explanation for the exact meanings? ps: in your question, you mean "what's the difference"
23 de julio de 2011
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