‘I don't speak English as well/good as you’ Which one do you go for? ‘I don't speak English as well/good as you’ Which one do you go for?
29 de sep. de 2011 5:26
Respuestas · 7
These are the two correct ways to say this.1. I don't speak English as well as you. 2. I am not as good as you are with speaking English. While many people say number 1 using "good" well is the grammatically correct word.
29 de septiembre de 2011
I guess it would be more appropriate to use good. since "as---well" could also mean "including". You know, just to avoid confusion.
29 de septiembre de 2011
I don’t speak English as well as you it’s well, even if there are so many ways to say it.
10 de enero de 2024
There is only one correct answer here: well. You need an adverb here, not an adjective (like "good"). For some reason most Americans get this wrong.
29 de septiembre de 2011
Both are fine in daily speech but if you want to be more "proper" then, "well" is the better word to use. However it is incorrect to say, "My level of English is not as well as yours". In this case you must use "good".
29 de septiembre de 2011
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