整 and 全, what's the difference? And if there isn't any difference, which one is more often used? Thanks!
14 de oct. de 2011 9:50
Respuestas · 9
I think,that "整" always used to appear with "个". “整个”and"全" all likely mean "whole , all over..." . Example:整个世界=全世界 ,整个学校=全校/全学校 整 is more to describe a whole situation,but not a single thing. may be like the following example. "the whole body" will be said as 全身. No one would use "整身". When you just like to use 整 ,you have only to say it as “整个身体”. meanwhile,整 can also be a verb -- 整理. Than it means to make something in order or clean. Example: clean up the room = 整理房间 hope they will help you to understand these two single words.:D
14 de octubre de 2011
this is the same, i think there is no different special. in different environment We use a different phrase match. for example, 全部 and 整个, quanbu can be used to a lot of peoples, 全部人都来了. we can't say: 整个人都来了, ils wrong beucause one people can't be half one.
15 de octubre de 2011
全:pure jade -> complete. 整:tidy and in good order -> without extra part -> just a whole one. They may have the samilar meaning. Nowadays, 全 used more often than 整.
14 de octubre de 2011
14 de octubre de 2011
完整:强调的是整体,系统。 全部:强调的是数量。 应用不同
14 de octubre de 2011
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