Are there any animals you associate with certain things , like wisdom...etc Are there any animals you associate with certain things , like wisdom...etc. I associate dog with loyalty... How about you ?
4 de nov. de 2011 15:51
Respuestas · 10
There are several: as loyal as a dog as wise as an owl as sly as a fox as brave as a bear as fierce as a lion as stubborn as a mule as slimy as a snake and many more but I can't think right know.
5 de noviembre de 2011
I am not sure that symbols are universal or not but in my culture Owl is a symbol that means clever and vigilant (person) I t can be a symbol of wisdom too :) Black cat is a symbol of black power. Fish is immortality and life :) According to my culture horse is a symbol that means genteel and noble .Deer and antelope are meaning beautiful and attractive .I am unaware of other symbols according to my Azeri culture :)
4 de noviembre de 2011
That makes me recall the ever favorite anime series . The hero was able to call upon spirits of animals: Eyes of the Hawk Ears of the Wolf Strength of the Bear Speed of the Puma
5 de noviembre de 2011
as free as a bird... as fast as a gepard... as stupid as a sheep... as proud as a pavlin... as quiet as a mouse... as restless as a chicken... as slow as a turtle...;)))))))
4 de noviembre de 2011
My 2 cats are loyal, even if I go away for a month and they are fed by a neighbour, they are still waiting for me when I return.
5 de noviembre de 2011
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