How do you know when to use Kanji instead of Katakana/Hirigana? Like the question above states, how do you know when to use Kanji instead of Katakana/Hirigana? I know that Katakana is usually used to spell out foreign words, and Hirigana is used for more 'native' [for lack of a better word] words. Does it make a difference, other than the fact that you might use the wrong character [in the case of kanji] or give a person the wrong idea? Ex. わたし vs 私
29 de ene. de 2012 0:10
Respuestas · 4
I make conversation and sentences composed by different Hiragana and Katakana and Kanji in Japan. Hiragana is the character that made you break the Chinese syllable. Katakana is used for foreign words and onomatopoeia, etc. mainly. Chinese characters are currently used, including the unique Japanese Kanji characters that are firmly rooted in Japan from China as Chinese. I also called wadi = kanji as an alias. We communicate to distinguish kanji hiragana katakana in Japan.
4 de febrero de 2013
So would it matter it I only used hirigana instead of kanji? (not that I would...but seeing as there is a lot to memorize, its a temporary option)
5 de febrero de 2012
An example ワイン Wain Wine and 葡萄酒 Budoushu The meaning is the same. But wine ワイン is more common in nowdays Japan. Kanji are very important about what you are talking about and about what you are saying. Taking a picture and piking a picture. 写真を撮ります。To take a picture. 写真を取ります。To pick a picture 写真をとります ????? I don't know piking or taking a picture ? 写真を手でとります。 In this case is picking because i added hand, The kanji has the same sound but is written differently.
29 de enero de 2012
Uses of hiragana: 1. All types of native words (you were correct in using the term native) other than nouns, verbs, and adjectives. 2. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives whose kanji doesn't exist or is obsolete.(ex. isu-chair suru-to do/make ureshii-happy) 3. Inflectional endings of all words written in kanji (like the ru in miru-to see or the i in aoi-green/blue) Uses of kanji: The roots (tabe in taberu-to eat ao in aoi-green/blue) of nouns, adjectives, and verbs which are native to the Japanese language. Sorry for not typing the characters, it takes me a long time to do it on the computer, but I hope this was sufficient information.
29 de enero de 2012
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