What does the term "swirling sky" stand for? (the context is how the sky is in a Van Gogh painting)
29 de ene. de 2012 10:51
Respuestas · 4
"Swirling" can mean to go around and around. I think of SWIRLING LEAVES caught in a small whirlwind or SWIRLING WHIRLPOOLS below a bridge crossing over water. In "Starry Night," the painting reminds me of looking at whirlpools in the ocean, except you're looking up into this incredible sky, so full of motion. By the way, who is the artist for your profile picture? Is it a character from a video game?
30 de enero de 2012
Like a vortex or a whirlpool with a small center and a it gets larger and has slower movement on the outer edges. When you write the number six you are actually making a swirl.
29 de enero de 2012
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