What does it mean and how is it used? What does it mean "service fork" and how is it used?
27 de may. de 2012 17:54
Respuestas · 6
A service fork is a fork you use for silver service. Basically, it's a fork which you use to serve food (along with a spoon). Are you learning silver service now?
27 de mayo de 2012
an instrument having two or more prongs or tines, for holding, lifting, etc., as an implement for handling food or any of various agricultural tools. Meaning: Cutlery used for serving and eating food.
27 de mayo de 2012
service fork is such as a menu buffet in a restaurant
27 de mayo de 2012
Actually service fork is a fork you use for silver service. you can use this to serve food .
28 de mayo de 2012
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