Express the following in one word or a word combination 1)a person who waits you on a restaurant 2)a plant with a round dark red sweet root that you cook or eat as a vegetable 3)a counter, where one may buy food and drink 4)fruit, nut and sweet things at the end of a meal 5)a meal of several courses, having only a limited choice at a fixed price 6)German food consisting of cabbage cut up, salted and allowed to get sour 7)potatoes beaten or crushed 8)not having a sharp edge or point 9)a person, who buys 10)filled completely of a stomach 11)two slices of buttered bread with meat, egg, cheese or tomato, etc, between them 12)not fresh 13)the particular taste of a food or a drink 14)a flat piece of wood, metal, etc with raised edges, used for holding or carrying light articles 15)a thin flat piece of smth 16)a dish of meat or fruit, covered with a layer of pastry or with the meat enclosed in pastry baked 17)to be fond of sweet food 18)a collective term for hens, ducks, turkeys 19)the flesh of a cow
3 de mar. de 2013 6:40
Respuestas · 14
1. Waiter 2. Beet (alternatively, a radish, but they're not as red) 3. Bar 4. Dessert 5. Table d'hôte (but I must warn you that nobody uses this phrase, nor is this practice common in any English-speaking countries) 6. Sauerkraut 7. Mashed potatoes 8. Blunt 9. Customer 10. Full (alternatively, "stuffed", "engorged", or even "satiated") 11. Sandwich 12. Spoiled (alternatively, "bad", "rotten", or "turned") 13. ...Taste? This one's an odd question... 14. Pan 15. Strip 16. Pie 17. Sweet-toothed 18. Poultry 19. Beef Now, if I may ask, why did you have this list, and why did you want people to fill it out? It seems like an odd collection of questions to put together.
3 de marzo de 2013
1. Here in the United States, many people now prefer to use the word "server" instead of "waiter" or "waitress." 12. Stale. (For example, stale bread.)
3 de marzo de 2013
1. Here in the United States, many people now prefer to use the word "server" instead of "waiter" or "waitress." 12. Stale. (For example, stale bread.)
3 de marzo de 2013
answers different from above: 5. a la carte 13. flavor 14. tray
3 de marzo de 2013
answers different from above: 5. a la carte 13. flavor 14. tray
3 de marzo de 2013
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