what does "one of those banana jobs"mean? In Arlington Lieutenant Sam Bird, who had impetuously driven off to visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers after hearing of the shooting, had just re-entered Fort Myer’s grounds when he saw the post's standard begin its descent. He drew over to the curb, alighted, and saluted. After this, he thought, nothing could move him so deeply again. (Like everyone else who concluded that the emotional peak of the assassination had been reached, Sam Bird was mistaken, and he was among the first to have an inkling of what lay ahead; as he finished saluting, a captain strode up to him and said, "You're taking an eight-man army casket team to MATS at Andrews. Pick the best eight on the post. I'm getting you an H-21 chopper—one of those banana jobs.")
12 de jun. de 2013 7:27
Respuestas · 1
He's describing the chopper's shape. The body of the helicopter is long and curves like a banana. Here's a picture:
12 de junio de 2013
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