What is the meaning of 'drop off the face of the earth'
15 de jun. de 2013 11:19
Respuestas · 4
completely gone
5 de octubre de 2016
It almost always means that you haven't seen or heard from that person in awhile without explanation, they seemed to vanish.
15 de junio de 2013
it can also have a metaphorical meaning. if you say someone has "dropped off the face of the earth" you could be expressing that you don't see the person much any more, or the person is isolating them-self and people are having trouble contacting the person
15 de junio de 2013
eastern European explorers once thought the world was flat as in one dimensional. it was thought that if you travel in the same direction on planet earth, that one would eventually fall into outerspace, or like the phase in question. one could fall "off the face of the earth" (1 dimensional face that is)
15 de junio de 2013
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