“下班” 和 “上班” 用英语来表达,怎么比较口语化和书面化? 英文总是要用到“下班” 和 “上班” ,原来听老外说用knock off来表达“下班”,但我说出来,有些人听不懂了。所以比较困惑
15 de ago. de 2013 10:02
Respuestas · 6
"Knock off" 是澳国的俚语。我觉得别的英语国家不用它。 "Knock off" is Australian slang. I don't think people from other countries use it. 英语没有‘上班‘和’下班‘的字。"我们用两个字表达它们。 English has no word for '上班' and ‘下班’. We express them with two words. 上班 = Start work/go to work 下班 = Leave work/finish work Sorry for the double post! I just thought I'd add more detail.
15 de agosto de 2013
"Knock off" 是澳国的俚语。我觉得别的英语国家不用它。
15 de agosto de 2013
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