how can you say Hi ow are you how can you say "Hi ow are you in japanesese
28 de jun. de 2008 12:29
Respuestas · 3
Konnichiwa, ogenki desu ka. 今日はお元気ですか。
5 de julio de 2008
how are you- ogenki desu ka?, and when you answer i'm fine- genki desu. in saying hello..commonly they were saying konnichi wa? saying hello to a friend you haven't seen for a long'll say..konnichi wa! hisashiburi des' ne?... des' ne means-right? in english it will gonna be.. "hello! long time no see.."
1 de julio de 2008
How are you is "Ogenki desu ka". The answer to it is "genki desu." Hope this helps.
1 de julio de 2008
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