Responding to "Bises"/ "gros bisous" How are men suppose to respond to "bises"/"gros bisous" in correspondances and texts or chat? "Bises," as well as "coucou," seems girlish. Is this the case? Is writing "bises" and saying coucou" more of a habit among women than men? If someone writes "bises," am I (a grown man) supposed to reply in the same manner.
28 de mar. de 2014 4:32
Respuestas · 2
Yes, effectively, those words are mainly used by girls. You can use "a+" ou "++" which means literally "A plus tard." but if you want to write it in full words you should use "à bientôt." The terms "coucou" or worst "kikoo" aren't very serious for a guy and you can use "salut" ou "hello".
28 de marzo de 2014
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