Difference between Head and Hair in Korean? I was looking up vocab for body parts, and was a little confused. In one source, it said that the word for 'head' and 'hair' was the same ('머리'), but in a different source, it differentiated the two ('head' = 머리; 'hair' = 머리카락). Is 머리 used for both, or is it correct to distinguish the two? 감사합니다!
11 de ene. de 2015 19:47
Respuestas · 2
You're right. Head is 머리 and hair is 머리카락. But korean people call borh head and hair '머리'. haha so you should understand what '머리' means in the context people talk about. :) ex) 1.내 머리가 너무 길어, 머리 좀 잘라야 겠어. (My hair is too long, I need to cut my hair some.) 2. 그 생선을 요리하기 전에, 생선 머리를 자르세요. (Before cooking the fish, cut the head of the fish.) 3. 머리가 아파요. (I have a headache) 4. 내 머리가 엉켰어요. (My hair got tangled.)
11 de enero de 2015
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