Could you recommend me really good movies ? There is so touching movie ?! What movie was the most impressive for you ? I have watched many things but there are few movies that I was deeply impressived even though they were excellent enough . Is there special movie to make me happy and warm ?! What do you want to recommend me ?!
7 de ago. de 2008 23:16
Respuestas · 14
My favorite movie is the French film Amélie (or Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain). I recommend this movie to people all the time. :) It's sweet, unusual, funny, and enchanting. It makes me really happy every time I watch it. ;) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0211915/
8 de agosto de 2008
Atonement- set in England during the war, Mama Mia- lots of Abba songs Kite Runner- set in Afganistan La vie en Rose- thr story of French singer Edith Piaf Evita- starring Madonna, based on the musical about Eva Peron
8 de agosto de 2008
La vita e bella. I don't like to admit I cried at a move, but I did at this particular one. :P
8 de agosto de 2008
mmm...ok... but the films are very different :) Once upon a time in America Deathproof - for selected audience.. Toy story 2 - pixar animation Monsters inc - pixar Finding Nemo - pixar Amelie:) Apocalypto - not for sensitive persons:) Asuloscuroquasinegro - not for children under 18:) Matrix 1 American Gangster Mensonges et Trahisons et plus si affinites:) - one of my favourite , French now i cannot remember more :) if you like my choice contact me:)
14 de agosto de 2008
Out of Africa Go With the Wind Casablanca Under the Tuscan Sun The Sound of Music
8 de agosto de 2008
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