I heard that my friend said "Chao Pescado!", but is there any other funny way to say "Good-bye" in Spanish? 前に友達が「さよならサカナ!(直訳)」って言ってるのを聞いたんですけど、 スペイン語でほかに「さよなら」を言うのに面白い言い方ってありますか?
15 de ago. de 2008 15:46
Respuestas · 8
When we are trying to say "see you later" in a funny way, my friends and I usually say "nos vemos al ratón"
15 de agosto de 2008
I once heard that during a meeting in California, the chilean president played jokes saying goodbye to Schwarzenegger with his own well-known "hasta la vista". LOL I guess sense of humor goes beyond languages, so feel free to say good bye your own funny way.
15 de agosto de 2008
"Hasta los huevos" (不相応な成語) instead of "Hasta luego". "Me piro", "me doy el piro" "me las piro", "me piro papiro" (行って来ます、パピルス君) o "me piro vampiro" (いってきます、吸血鬼君) instead of "me marcho" (行って来ます).
16 de agosto de 2008
Here some girls say sometimes "Chaolin" instead of "Chao".
16 de agosto de 2008
I have an excellent one: NOS PILLAMOS!
15 de agosto de 2008
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