Lina Budiarti
Profesor profesional
Correct these sentences, please... 1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby lake. 2. A schedule of the day's can be obtained at the front desk. 3. A job on the day shift or the night shift at the plant available. 4. The new computer program has provides a variety of helpful application. 5. The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver. 6. The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty chapters. 7. The papers in the wastebaker should be emptied into the trash can outside. 8. Departure before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor. 9. Yesterday found an interesting article on pollution. 10. The new machine is process 50 percent more than the previous machine.
30 de may. de 2015 19:32
Respuestas · 3
Some sentences were missing a subject, so I added them in: 1. Last week I went fishing for trout at the nearby lake. 2. A schedule of the days can be obtained at the front desk. 3. A job on the day shift or the night shift at the plant is available. 4. The new computer program provides a variety of helpful applications. 5. The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver. 6. The assigned text for history class contains more than twenty chapters. 7. The papers in the wastebasket should be emptied into the trashcan outside. 8. Departure before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor. 9. Yesterday I found an interesting article on pollution. 10. The new machine processes 50 percent more than the previous machine.
30 de mayo de 2015
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