What are the differences between stop by, drop by and swing by? Hello there, 1. Could you explain if there are the differences between stop by, drop by and swing by? 2. Are there any weird ones on the examples below? - Could you stop by the store on the way home for some bread? - Could you drop by the store on the way home for some bread? - Could you swing by the store on the way home for some bread? - Please stop by our new house when you come to this area. - Please drop by our new house when you come to this area. - Please swing by our new house when you come to this area. Thank you.
22 de feb. de 2016 1:36
Respuestas · 9
The differences are small and probably don't matter, however.... 'stop by' gives the impression that the extra stop is not our of one's way. 'drop by' is usually to visit someone rather than, say, an errand to the store. 'swing by' gives the impression that the extra stop is out of one's way, that one has to adjust one's route to make the extra stop. Hope that helps.
22 de febrero de 2016
'Drop by' sounds like it applies mainly to someone's home. I wouldn't say 'drop by' the store. I would use 'swing by' for a home or a store. All of these phrases make it sound like a short time, especially swing by and drop by. Also, there is the idea of being casual and convenient. 'Stop by' sounds like it is a little more official and may take more time. I wouldn't say 'stop by' unless it was for a specific reason.
22 de febrero de 2016
Hello Su.Ki, thank you for your advice. I didn't know that. I will be careful when I use 'swing by' in other countries.
22 de febrero de 2016
Just a note - 'swing by' is only said in American English. It's fine to use 'swing by' in these sentences because they are clearly from a US source, but it would not be used in this way in other variants of English.
22 de febrero de 2016
Thank you for your answers. Aketi, thank you for your prompt reply. Jean, I really appreciate the corrections of my questions! Charles and Jennifer, thank you for detailed explanations. I also keep in mind and refer to your advice when I use these phrasal verbs. Have a great week.
22 de febrero de 2016
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