worth ten cent Does the following sentence mean that he receives 10 cents for each bottle that he finds and returns to supermarkets? Why has it said "ten cent"? Does it mean a ten cent coin? ... poking around in public bins for discarded glass bottles whose deposit – worth perhaps ten cent – he can claim from the supermarket.
3 de may. de 2016 9:34
Respuestas · 2
Yes. In the United States, to encourage recycling, when you buy a soft drink in a bottle, you pay the price plus an extra "deposit," often $0.05 but possibly $0.10 in some places. If the price of the soft drink is $1.00 you pay $1.10. You can return the bottle to the place where you bought it. When you do, you get your ten-cent deposit back. Despite the deposit, people often throw away bottles rather than bringing them back. Someone who needs money can collect empty bottles from where they have been thrown, bring them back to the supermarket, and collect the deposit for himself. A few hours' searching might turn up fifty bottles, which could be returned for $5.00.
3 de mayo de 2016
Yes exactly
3 de mayo de 2016
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