email Hi, there I am emailing a tourism agency about a trip to Boston two months from now. I would like to know if you could proofread it for me. I am kind of acquainted with the person I am emailing, so it is a more or less informal email. Here it is: Hi, Peter, how are you? I was in your agency some time ago to close the deal on our one-month stay in Boston and we arranged to meet late this week to go over the final details of my travel insurance and see about the flight date change. As I told you before, I would like to move up the date of my flights two days. I would like to change the dates of both my outbound flight and my return flight. Will it be possible for us to meet this week as agreed? Please, get back to me as soon as possible. Best regards, Gabriel Could you help me? Thank you!!
14 de may. de 2016 16:54
Respuestas · 8
Hi, there. I am going to email a tourism agency about my trip to Boston that will take place two months from now. I would like you to proofread it for me. I am kind of acquainted with the person I am emailing, so it is a more or less an informal email. Here it is: Hi, Peter, how are you? I was in your agency not long ago to confirm my one-month stay in Boston, and we have arranged to meet later this week to go over the final details regarding my travel insurance and the possibility of changing my departure date.. As I have told you (before), I would like to bring forward the date of my departure by two days as well as my return flight. Is it possible for us to meet this week as agreed? Please get back to me as soon as possible. Best regards,
14 de mayo de 2016
I'd recommend changing: 'As I told you before, I would like to move up the date of my flights two days' to 'As I told you before, I would like to bring forward the date of my flights by two days'. Dates are brought forward rather than moved up in the English language. But other than that, perfect.
14 de mayo de 2016
"Dates are brought forward rather than moved up in the English language." Maybe in GB this is the case, but here in the US "move up" is the way to say it. To go into the future we say "move out" the date. Or, move the date out. NOTE: You should use what you have written. It is perfect. Do not change it. You are getting poor advice from non-native speakers!
14 de mayo de 2016
This is absolutely perfect :)
14 de mayo de 2016
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