the difference between sport and sports when should we use sport? when should we use sports?
3 de nov. de 2016 7:55
Respuestas · 7
Hello Wendy The word ''sport'' is a noun. It can be used in both singular and plural. e.g. Volleyball is my favourite sport. Volleyball and handball are my favourite sports. There is also the word ''sports'', which is an adjective. e.g. He is a sports columnist / presenter. Do you belong to a sports club? It's the school sports day next Tuesday. To sum up, ''sport'' is a noun (it can also be a verb) and ''sports'' is both a noun (plural) and an adjective. Hope this helps :)
3 de noviembre de 2016
"Sports" is the plural form of "sport". When you're talking about more than one sport, then you say "sports". For example: I love to play all kinds of sports. When you're talking about one specific sport you use the word "sport". For example: My favorite sport is playing basketball.
3 de noviembre de 2016
for two things entertain ourselves and most often for our health
3 de noviembre de 2016
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