Is it correct to say "OK. I see"? As far as I know, phrase "I see" is a synonym of word "OK". But today I told one person something and she wanted to confirm that she understood me well. She answered: "OK. I see". Is what she said correct? I mean, isn't it redundant to say the same thing twice? I guess it is a problem of Ukrainian/Russian speakers who feel saying "I see" differently than native English speakers do. But I am not sure.
8 de nov. de 2016 6:56
Respuestas · 4
Ok means all correct / all right /alright/ fine. I see means I understand. Ok does not mean similar to I see (Or I understand). For example -- ISIS :- "Roman, your country supports Russia;so, we want to kill your countrymen" Roman:- "I see; but it's not OK"
8 de noviembre de 2016
Roman, no question is stupid if you are trying to better yourself! I always have a ton of "stupid questions" about Russian. [emoji][emoji]Ok can mean "good" or "well" but usually suggesting to a lesser extent. For example: "I am ok at Russian" means I speak Russian to degree better than bad but not quite good. It can also mean "yes" in certain situations. Usually when responding to a command and being in agreement or submission of it. For example, if I were to ask you, "Follow me, please!", you could say "OK", "sure", or "yes". Ok is one of those trickier words that can mean several different things depending on voice intonation and the context in where it is being used. It's also occasionally a filler word with no real meaning. When I'm am pausing to think of what I'm saying I might go, "Ok...where did I put my shoes?" Other similar filler words are "um", "uh", "alright", and probably others I can't think of now.
8 de noviembre de 2016
Hi Bing. I have a stupid question. Does "OK" mean "I understand you" or "I agree with you"?
8 de noviembre de 2016
Yes, you can say that. It's like saying "Yes. I understand". "I see" is better substitution for "I understand" or "I understand the situation", than it is for "Ok". To me, it doesn't really fit for "Ok", but maybe it does in a situation I'm not thinking of right now.
8 de noviembre de 2016
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