What's the difference between ''잘 지냈어요?'' and ''잘 지내어요?'' Aren't they basically the same?
15 de abr. de 2017 14:08
Respuestas · 5
Yes,they are basically the same,but! '잘 지냈어요?' can be translated as 'How have you been?' (mostly used when you haven't talked to the person for a long time) '잘지내요?' on other hand means 'How are you?' or 'Are you doing well?' (this is more used in everyday language) Hope you get what I mean ! :))
15 de abril de 2017
잘 지내어요 is plain wrong. (Most probably typos) It CAN be the old fashioned version of "잘 지내요", but it's very unlikely.
15 de abril de 2017
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