take more rest ) or ( get more rest) ?
28 de abr. de 2017 7:00
Respuestas · 7
Both are grammatically correct. However, take more rest is not used commonly by native speakers. Preferable use of words is, "get some rest."
28 de abril de 2017
Hi Sarah, Some words naturally collocate in English. We "take a break", "give (someone) a break", "have some rest", "take a nap" and "take a vacation". Hence, I'll use ".....have more rest." I'm not saying other combinations are wrong; they just sound less natural. Cheers, Lance
28 de abril de 2017
Thank you dear Bex:)
28 de abril de 2017
I would say "get more rest". But "take a rest" when it's singular. I hope this helps! ☺️
28 de abril de 2017
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