Difference between "She is resigned" & "She has resigned" ? Hi friends, What's the difference between "She is resigned" and "She has resigned" ? Appreciate if you could give me some examples. Thanks in advance. Niwantha
10 de may. de 2017 6:32
Respuestas · 11
She is resigned means that she has accepted her fate - it would only be used as a phrase as part of a longer sentence. She is resigned to her fate. She is resigned to the fact that she is not getting any older. She has resigned means that she has quit her job. Her boss told her that she won't get a raise, so she has resigned.
10 de mayo de 2017
Hi Niwantha, There is a big difference between the two phrases. When someone "is resigned", it means the person accepts the outcome of an event that is usually unpleasant. Example: Jane is resigned to her fate. / Jane resigned herself to her fate. When someone "has resigned", it means they have tendered their resignation letter to their employer to indicate an intention to end their employment there. Example: The CEO from an airline has resigned from the company following public outcry over poor service on board. Hope this helps. Cheers, Lance
10 de mayo de 2017
Resign or resigned has many different meanings, so context is necessary to make any judgements. She has resigned means that she has left a position. She is resigned could mean that she is submissive.
10 de mayo de 2017
She is resigned: Resigned is an adjective. This sentence is structured in the present. She has resigned: Resigned is the past participle. This sentence is structured in the present perfect and refers to an action in the past that has an effect now.
10 de mayo de 2017
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