안나 Anna
이 문장은 무슨 듯이에요? 경영 철학에 공감하다 이 분야에서 최고라고 듣다 꿈을 펼치기에 적합하다 these are from my textbook and i don’t understand what they mean (related to 면접) thanks!
30 de nov. de 2017 9:10
Respuestas · 4
Those three phrases can be understood as follows. Agree with company's vision Known to be the best in the industry Great workplace to achieve one's career goals
1 de diciembre de 2017
Those three phrases can be understood as follows. Agree with company's vision Known to be the best in the industry Great workplace to achieve one's career goals
1 de diciembre de 2017
"경영 철학에 공감하다" 경영 철학[經營 哲學] = philosophy in management ~에 공감하다 = to have agreement on ~ "이 분야에서 최고라고 듣다" 분야[分野] = study/research field 최고[最高] = the best [명사 N](이) 라고 듣다 = indirect speech, meaning that "it is heard that [noun N]" "꿈을 펼치기에 적합하다" 꿈 = dream 펼치기 = modification to noun format as an action of "펼치다 = to broaden/extend" ~에 적합하다 = to be suitable to ~ === 좋은 하루를 지내세요./I wish you a good day.
30 de noviembre de 2017
I agree with business management philosophy I heard that you are? the best of this field It's proper that dream comes true
30 de noviembre de 2017
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