Brazilian Portuguese TEXT What exactly is the difference between texting rsrs vs. Kkkk They both mean the English of lol, correct? When/why would one be used over the other?
20 de dic. de 2017 1:28
Respuestas · 6
There's no difference. rs is a contraction for 'risos', so rsrsrs means a lot of 'risos'. kkkk and heheheh is just the representation of the laugh sound.
20 de diciembre de 2017
it's the same basically but 'kkkk' means a real laugh when 'rsrs' means 'risos' and it's usually more formal, used for irony or in some cases people just use that kind of 'laugh' because it suits them better.
20 de diciembre de 2017
Hi Coleen! - "They both mean the English of lol, correct?" Yes. They are Internet acronyms for laugh and they are used the same way you use "lol" in English. When/why would one be used over the other? - You can use both according to your preference. In Brazil, people can use a lot of acronyms, the quantity of letters will indicates the intensity of your laugh. For example: rsrsrs kkkkkk hehehe hahaha hiauha hihihi huehue huahua lol looool 555555 If you want to indicate intensity you can use for example rsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrsrs kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahahahaha loooooooooooooooooooool etc...
21 de diciembre de 2017
kkkkkkkkkkkkk is more intense than rsrs. rsrs = laugh kkkkkkk = laugh too much ahuahuahuhauehua = crazy .... lol
20 de diciembre de 2017
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