"Yourself" AND "Your self" differences Is there any difference between saying "yourself" and "your self"? Since I want to emphasize the "self" here, not the person. If there are any different, then it is clear when it is written, but what about when it is said? How can people understand that I'm saying "Your self" not "Yourself"? Thanks
9 de oct. de 2018 13:56
Respuestas · 8
◘ Is there any difference between saying "yourself" and "your self"? Hi, yes actually they indicate two different things: @ "Yourself" refers to the person and her actions --- eg. Have you made your homeworks by yourself? Very good! @ "Your self" -- or better "your Self" -- indicates, how to say it, "the soul" of a person So if I say: "Free yourself" and "Free your Self" may belong to completely different contexts: -- free yourself! > from a book about Pirates -- free your Self > from a book of Spirituality ◘ How can people understand that I'm saying "Your self" not "Yourself"? Then it depends from the context! 1) You might stress on separate words (eg. "your SELF") 2) You might even stress them in a slightly different way: --- You have to make it "by you yourself" (= you IN YOUR VERY PERSON) --- You have to free YOUR VERY SELF I hope you guess the differences now. PS The answer is provided AS IT IS. I'm not responsible for bad using. If you find a bug, you can report it in the form below.
9 de octubre de 2018
Easy answer: 'your self' doesn't exist! :)
9 de octubre de 2018
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