Midterm Test or Midterm Exam? Hello everyone! I know that there is no difference between midterm and mid-term they can be adjectives as well as nouns, which of the following options would you use? Midterm Test or Midterm Exam? is there any difference?
17 de jun. de 2019 21:49
Respuestas · 3
People say midterm or midterm exam. Nobody says midterm test, although it makes sense literally.
17 de junio de 2019
Midterm exam is better, since it is usually a 'bigger' cumulative test, testing material from the beginning of the semester till the middle of the semester. Still, most people just say, "Midterm" student: When is the midterm? teacher: Midterms are mid-May.
17 de junio de 2019
Test is a less not so serious exam, you can have both during the midterm but habitually during the midterms, the marks are quite important so we used the term exam
17 de junio de 2019
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