Is this sentence correct “ am available anytime this Tuesday Wednesday, June 25th and 26th”?
25 de jun. de 2019 3:40
Respuestas · 3
It needs to be changed to, “... am available anytime this Tuesday, June 25th or Wednesday, the 26th."
25 de junio de 2019
Greg is correct. Or you could available Tuesday or Wednesday, June 25th and (June) 26th. (June is optional).
26 de junio de 2019
There are a few ways you could write this sentence. 1. "I am available any time this Tuesday, June 25th, and Wednesday, June 26th.". 2. "I am available any time this Tuesday (June 25th) and Wednesday (June 26th). 3. "I am available any time on June 25th (Tuesday) and June 26th (Wednesday). 4. "I am available any time this Tuesday and Wednesday." (You used "THIS"- "...this Tuesday", which already implies that you are talking about the Tuesday and Wednesday specifically coming up in this week, so the date is not necessarily needed because we already know which Tuesday and Wednesday you are referring to). I hope this is clear 😊
25 de junio de 2019
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