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When you carry a kid on your back, that's a "piggyback ride" but what do you call if... Hey good evening fellow English learners and native speakers! When you carry a kid on your back, that's a "piggyback ride" but what do you call when you carry a young kid around your shoulders/neck? Thank you.
30 de jun. de 2019 5:38
Respuestas · 5
I've never heard anyone use a specific word for carrying someone on your back. We normally just say "he carried her on his shoulders"
30 de junio de 2019
You usually use the same term (piggyback) and say I'll carry you piggyback on my shoulders, or even just 'piggyback' and be no more specific.
30 de junio de 2019
There is a phrase in Cantonese that describes the „Shoulder ride“. It is „keh bok ma“. So the original phrase „keh ma“ is to ride a horse. „Bok“ is first character of „bok tau“ meaning shoulder. So the literal translation is „ride shoulder horse“. Cheers!
11 de julio de 2019
My son does it all the time with his kids. We don't have any special name for it. We just call it "giving them a ride on his shoulders."
30 de junio de 2019
I remember calling it a 'shoulder ride' when I was a kid. But it doesn't have a fancy name that I know of.
30 de junio de 2019
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