kiddo's language “拉勾 上吊 一百年 不许变。。。” 英文里面怎么表达类似的说法呢? Its a pretty common saying for the kids make a deal with each other in chinese which means“an elephant's faithful a hundred percent”.... so my question is are there any similar sayings in English ? better still in use for the kids now...:) thank you very much!!!!!
11 de feb. de 2010 15:36
Respuestas · 3
Cross you heart, hope to die. Stick a needle in your eye. Jam a dagger in your thigh. Eat a horse manure pie!
12 de febrero de 2010
Kids often seal a promise by saying 'cross your heart and hope to die'.
11 de febrero de 2010
There's a saying I've often heard "an elephant never forgets". That's pretty similar.
11 de febrero de 2010
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