when is used ''shows'' and ''show''? it works for every word? example: it shows show me he shows me?
23 de mar. de 2011 3:55
Respuestas · 2
show as a verb is used with an "s" at the end when you are using it with 3rd person singular: he shows, she shows, it shows. With the rest of the subject pronouns: I, You, We, They you use "show": I show, You show, They show, We show. When you talk as an imperative or like giving an order or indication, you say "show": EX: Show me the book, please. As a noun you use shows for plural and show for singular: Example: American Idol is a tv show. I like 3 tv shows: Desperate Housewives, Grey´s Anatomy and 90210 :) I hope that helps.
23 de marzo de 2011
Your question should be phrased, "When do we use 'show' and 'shows'? Does it work for every word?"
23 de marzo de 2011
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