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In this chapter Mrs. Frisby goes to see Mr. Ages. Will he be able to help Timothy? Send me a message for your free pdf copy of this book. Mr Ages was a white mouse who lived across the farm and beyond, in a house that was part of a brick wall. The wall lined the basement of what had once been a large farmhouse. The farmhouse itself had burned down so many years ago that nobody could remember what it had looked like nor who had lived there. The basement remained, a great square hole in the ground; and in its crumbling walls, protected from the wind and snow, numerous small creatures lived. In summer there were snakes, dangerous to Mrs Frisby, but there was no need to worry about them in winter. Just the same, it was a long, hard journey and could be risky unless she was extremely cautious. It was so far, in fact, that Mrs Frisby would not ordinarily have set out so late in the day, for fear that the dark would catch her before she got back. But Timothy obviously could not wait until the next day. So only five minutes after she had announced that she must go, she was gone.
Chapter 2 Mr. Ages
17 de feb. de 2024 0:42
Competencias lingüísticas
Chino (mandarín), Chino (cantonés), Inglés, Japonés, Coreano, Otro, Español, Tailandés
Idioma de aprendizaje
Chino (mandarín), Chino (cantonés), Japonés, Coreano, Otro, Español, Tailandés