Chino (mandarín)
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Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Jin.

1,431 clases


Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (cantonés)

linguist who speaks 5 languages 🧡 Self-Empowerment & Career Coach •I am patient and encouraging, as I am a long-time language learner myself and put myself into my students' shoes. I ask lots of questions and want you to speak more than me in the lessons :) I believe in your unique power and competence, and I help you discover your own approach and motivation! •I have a holistic approach to language and culture - there are many links between languages, and language is never isolated from culture. Therefore I use scientific principles in linguistics and intercultural communication that are applicable way beyond just Chinese/English. •I think it's very important to have fun while working hard - that's why I use interactive materials like songs, movies etc :)

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USD 10.00/prueba
Disponible a las 10:00 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Yane.

73 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

我在英语培训机构学习过语言,了解入门级语言学习的困难和解决问题的办法。对于语言学习,最重要的是兴趣和坚持,老师要做的就是培养学生的兴趣和陪伴学生坚持学习。 I have studied language in English training institutions, so I understand the difficulties and solutions of entry-level language learning. For language learning, the most important thing is interest and persistence. What teachers should do is to cultivate students' interest and accompany them to keep learning.

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 10:30 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor April.

959 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

Engaged in education industry for many years, understand the connection and difference between Chinese and English.I love talking to different people with different background, which is why I met many people from foreign countries who is studying or working in Beijing. I taught some of them Mandarin and one of my students passed HSK 6 and now studying in Renmin University of China.

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USD 8.00/prueba
Disponible a las 13:00 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Vivien.

2,938 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (cantonés)

I teach English, Mandarin, and Cantonese 我教英文, 中文和粤语 I teach conversational lessons. The main focus will be getting you to speak naturally in your target language through fun topics and some extra materials with websites or articles. I will correct your pronunciation during conversation. I enjoy talking about food, travel, movies, technology, internet, health, humanity, language, and culture. 我们上课的主要目标是让你自然地用英文/中文/粤语交流。上课的教材会用视频或网站,还有有趣的话题。我会纠正你的发音,并教你如何自然地表达。我们可以聊任何你喜欢的话题,我也喜欢聊饮食、旅游、电影、科技产品、人性、语言、文化等等。

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USD 16.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor echo.

906 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

工作之余,经常无偿帮助我的客户练习汉语口语,会想办法帮助他们解决学习中遇到的一些困难,在跟他们交流的过程中,积累了帮助他们学习的经验和方法,彼此之间的信任也坚定了自己走上汉语教学这条道路的信心,相信自己会帮助跟多的学生掌握好汉语这门语言。 I have been always helped my clients to practice their oral skills after work, I always find ways to help them solve the difficulties encountered in learning. In the process of communicating with them, I have accumulated experience and methods to help the learners to learn faster and efficient. Trust between me and my clients has also strengthened my confidence in embarking on the path of Chinese teaching, and I believe that I will help more students master the language of Chinese.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Disponible a las 23:30 Hoy
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Xiao Xiao 肖霄.

1,829 clases

Xiao Xiao 肖霄

Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

I have been teaching Chinese for more than 4 years, I will help you to improve your vocabulary and we can work on other areas, such as pronunciation and grammar difficulties which you have. 我将帮助你提高你的词汇,纠正你的语法和发音错误。

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Huang Lixue.

2,041 clases

Huang Lixue

Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

For any language learners, I believe a good and clear pronunciation is very important, especially for Chinese , there are four tones just for one character, no metion some special ones have different ways of reading and have multi meanings. So learning Chinese with a good pronunciation is very important. I have got the certificate of national perficency test of Putonghua, So I speak Standard Chinese . I can help with all the levels of Chinese learners , from nb to advanced, 1⃣️Chinese for all the levels 2⃣️Spoken Chinese 3⃣️Written Chinese 4⃣️HSK 1-6 The topics can be: 1⃣️Chinese for daily topics 2⃣️Business 3⃣️Chinese for traveling 4⃣️Academy

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USD 10.00/hora
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Eva Qi.

285 clases

Eva Qi

Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (shanghainés)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐Professional & Certified Teacher with over 5 Years Experience 😊 五年以上专业教学经验,零基础也能快速说好上海话! I have experience teaching Chinese to international kindergarten children and foreign friends. 我有教国际幼儿园小朋友和外国朋友汉语的经验。 I am good at studying the pronunciation of the Shanghai dialect. Don't worry, you have no basic knowledge about it. I can provide materials to help you quickly speak the standard Shanghai dialect. 我擅长总结上海话发音规律,不用担心你是零基础,我可以提供教材帮助你快速开口说标准的上海话。 In addition, I also have the National Teacher Qualification and Mandarin Rank Certificate. 另外,我也还拥有国家教师资格证和普通话等级证书。

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USD 9.00/prueba
Disponible a las 03:00 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor YAO姚璇hsk/yct.

1,028 clases


Profesor profesionalid verified
Preparación de exámenes
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

**2019.06-2020.03:** - Volunteered as a Chinese teacher at a Confucius Institute in Thailand. - Taught two Chinese classes in Grade 4 at a Thailand Chinese Language and Culture School. - Authored test papers and assisted students in taking the YCT exam. - Orchestrated Chinese cultural activities, such as Chinese Camp and Spring Festival, in collaboration with fellow teachers and students. **2020.07-Now:** - Currently teaching Chinese to university students in Thailand through online platforms. - Instruction covers HSK4-5 levels and Chinese for communication. - Successfully assisted numerous students in passing the HSK test.

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USD 10.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Helen(Qifan) Zhang.

3,036 clases

Helen(Qifan) Zhang

Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (cantonés)
Chino (otro)

Certified China National & International Teaching Chinese as Second Language with 6 years experience ----------Teaching Experience---------- Chinese teacher in International Leadership Program(IYLP) ----United Nation Chinese culture teacher in National Security Language Initiative for Youth program(NSLU-Y) Chinese and English teachers on italki started in Nov 2018 Off-line Chinese teacher, Chinese culture teacher started from 2014 ----------Specialize in---------- Building and maintaining trusted relationships Planning, designing and coordinating cultural courses Accommodating students' needs for lessons and adapt to changes Facilitating and managing expectations from students from all levels Timing and contenting management of each lesson to maximize learning effectiveness for students

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USD 16.90/prueba
Disponible a las 05:30 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Yan.

1,848 clases


Profesor profesionalid verified
Preparación de exámenes
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

Certified Chinese teacher with over 6 years’ teaching experience. 🧒For children: Taught Putonghua course普通话课 and Chinese course. In Putonghua course, I correct pronunciation and intonation, provide systematic pinyin lessons, picture reading book lessons and oral conversation practice lessons. In Chinese course, I provide a variety of games, activities and interesting homework to help students learn happily. ❤️Attentive, patient and kind. 🧑For adults: I support adults to pass HSK exams with excellent grades and I help students improve pronunciations and be more positive to speak Chinese. I often use task-based and inquiry-based teaching methods to practice words and grammars.❤️Professional, humorous and patient

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USD 7.00/prueba
Disponible a las 05:30 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor A.J.

1,119 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (otro)

Hi! I am a native speaker from the northeast of China. I can speak standard Mandarin. My lessons all focus on speaking, and I teach grammar in the context of oral communication. Come improve your spoken Chinese with me! YOU ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD!

USD 8.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Laura.

214 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

✔️ Chinese tutor with four years of experience.✔️ Native Chinese speaker. ✔️ Fluent in English. Three years of teaching experience. ✔️ Over 100 students. ✔️ Extensive experience in correcting word sounds, correcting sentence structure, upgrading pronunciation, and improving fluency. ✔️ Students come from all over the world, including but not limited to Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Pakistan, USA, UK, Bolivia, Singapore, Thailand, etc. ✔️ Students are of all ages. 我教授中国超过三年,教授对象包含儿童和成人,他们有的是初学者,有中文已经很流利。 学生数量超过一百名,他们分别来自马来西亚,新加坡,日本,韩国,巴基斯坦,美国,英国,玻利维亚,加拿大,法国等。

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USD 5.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Jin.

374 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (shanghainés)

J'ai commencé à enseigner le chinois et la calligraphie pendant mes études à l'Université de Shanghai à des étudiants étrangers. En France, j'ai ensuite enseigné le chinois à des enfants, en cours particuliers. Actuellement, je donne des cours particuliers pour des étudiants français, ciblés sur la pratique de l'oral. 在我的大学时期,我曾经教授上海大学的留学生中文口语课和书法课。 我现在在法国的小学工作,教授小朋友们中文兴趣课,比如:中文对话,中文儿歌等。我也提供其他法国学生中文课,主要针对口语练习,语音语调的发音,汉字的书写等。。。

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USD 12.00/prueba
Disponible a las 05:30 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Dana Zhang.

473 clases

Dana Zhang

Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

拥有超过六年的汉语教学经验 I have been teaching Chinese for about six years now. I taught foreigners one on one in Chengdu at beginning. Later I came to America teaching kids there for about a year and a half, so I had developed experience in teaching Chinese. I have been teaching Chinese at italki for three years now.

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USD 6.00/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor caicai(Oral会話❤️HSK ).

2,205 clases

caicai(Oral会話❤️HSK )

Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

I have taught Chinese for 5 years, my students are from 4 years old to 60 years old. My lessons will be conversational and enjoyable. I am also leaning English and Japanese; I will share my experience and knowledge about learning new language with people who are looking to learn a new language in a fun and friendly way. All my classes are personalized so that each student can reach their specific goal. 我教中文已经有五年时间了,我的学生既有4岁的小朋友,也有60多岁的大朋友。我的课程会很轻松有趣。我自己也在学习英文和日文,所以我非常愿意和你分享一些我学习外语的经验,希望我可以帮助你说出更加地道的中文。

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 01:00 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Huimin.


Profesor profesionalid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

A certified Chinese teacher with over six years of teaching experience. Over the past six years, I've gained loads of experience teaching Chinese to students from all walks of life, with levels ranging from beginners to advanced learners. I mainly focus on teaching adults and emphasize practical language skills. Working in diverse cultural settings, especially in Malaysia, has helped me adapt to different students' learning needs. My special teaching method has successfully helped many students boost their listening and speaking skills, making them feel much more confident in using Chinese to communicate.

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USD 27.00/hora
Disponible a las 05:30 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Irene.

57 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

I have been teaching Chinese for four years. 作为老师,我会根据学生的情况来上课,注重听说都写。在课堂上,设计更多的教学活动,提高学员的全面发展。例如:语法课上我会更加注重学生的表达,听说课上会更多鼓励学员多说多问。

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USD 5.00/prueba
Disponible a las 07:00 Mañana
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Angela@KIDS@ADULTS.

777 clases


Tutor de la comunidadid verified
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)

Patient tutor with over 6 years of teaching experience ⭐️more than 6 years' experience of teaching Mandarin ⭐️Offer individualized courses using various learning material ⭐️Practice pronunciation effectively, master Chinese grammar quickly ⭐️Learn Chinese that can be applied to the language expression of actual life ⭐️Talk about Chinese language and culture with you in more details ❤️ABOUT MY COURSES All courses give you CONFIDENCE All courses range from Pre-A1 to C2 All courses are personalised for you ⭐️What you will get during the lessons Friendly, relaxed environment Time to speak a lot Feedback (spoken and written) Meanings, pronunciation and sentences will be written for you Can explain in English quickly if needed

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USD 5.90/prueba
Aprende Chino (mandarín) con el profesor Kitty韵斐  (Guten Tag).

538 clases

Kitty韵斐 (Guten Tag)

Tutor de la comunidadid verified
Preparación de exámenes
SPEAKS :Chino (mandarín)
Chino (shanghainés)

Professional Chinese teacher with more than 880 hours teaching expierence !!! I'm a professional Chinese teacher with certification of Confucius Institute. I have six years of teaching experience in Chinese language both online&offline. I've also participated in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as a volunteer,and during the time I've teach some Foreigner to learn Mandarin. 我是一名职业汉语老师,我有六年的中文教学经验。曾经在大学里教过留学生中文汉语基础知识,2008年参加了北京奥运会担任颁奖礼仪志愿者,期间也教授外国人中文。

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USD 11.00/prueba
Disponible a las 02:15 Mañana
El pago final se realizará en USD

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