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Tongue twister is a very effective way for language learners to practice pronunciation and improve their oral skills. Share the most fun but useful tongue twister here!
How to improve output in Japanese! We already know that to improve input in a fun way, we can watch our favorite anime, reading our favorite Japanese comics and so on... But! How about output? How can I use these amount of information in reality?! Here is some strategies that I recommend after teaching / learning Japanese by myself: 1. Writing If you are like me and don't have imagination to create stories, a good way is to make/write comments after finishing your daily study. For example " 今日は文法の勉強で「ものだ」という表現を学びました。意味は「若かった時によくやらかしたこと」、懐かしい時に使います。". *Translated version " today I studied grammar. I learned the expression 「ものだ」that means 「things/mistakes that I did when I was younger」, it is a nostalgic feeling." How can I know that I am writing correctly? You can write it first in google documents! It is easier to find the right kanji by typing and the program will correct your mistakes. Of course, there is mistakes that the program is not able to correct, but it is a good start point. 2. Speaking The cherry of the cake! Record yourself speaking the comment you wrote. You will easily see your speaking mistakes! But if you do not have the courage to do that, you can use LingQ. After watching and selecting an Youtube video, this site will create the subtitle and mark the words that you never seen on it. By clicking on the word, it will appear the meaning and how to say it. You can repeat the word until you feel satisfied and it is a good way to learn specific words that are used on fields of your interest! Tell me if these tips were useful! Feel free to correct me too, as English is not my primary language, probably I made mistakes. Share your tips too! Let's use this space for sharing information.
2 de diciembre de 2021
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