What Did You Say? Accent Modification Tips From a Speech-Language Pathologist
What Did You Say? Accent Modification Tips From a Speech-Language Pathologist
10 mai 2022
This week, you’ll hear the rest of my conversation with Allyson Plumberg, Founder of Rooted Accents: Solutions for Accent Modification. This episode is part two of, “Want an American English Accent? Allyson Plumberg Debunks Accent Myths.” So, if you haven’t listened to the previous episode, I recommend you check it out before listening to this one. While accent modification may seem elusive for many English language learners, it is possible! In this episode, Allyson shares some inspiring stories about clients who made major improvements to their accents. She also provides a lesson on how to make the voiced and voiceless "th" sounds and shares a wordlist with listeners to drill. Stay tuned until the end, where you’ll learn about three fantastic and free online resources to help with your accent modification efforts. Episode originally published March 5, 2021. Original theme music by Lucas Knutter Read the transcript at https://www.express-to-impress.com/accent-modification/. Join the Express to Impress community on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/express-to-impress/. See infographics for this episode on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/ExpresstoImpress/_created/.
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