الوَقت \ Time
الوَقت \ Time
12 novembre 2024
الوقت أَقْوَى سِلَاح بِحَيَاتْنَا وكِلْشِي بْيِعْتِمِد على الوقت. Time is the strongest weapon in our life and everything depends on the time. مَثَلًا العَادَات المْنِيحَة بِتْطَوِّر الإِنْسَان كتير بَس بْتِحْتَاج وَقت For example, positive habits improve the person a lot but they need time. بَس للأَسَف, أغلب الشَبَاب مَا بْيِدْرِكُوا قِيمِة الوَقْت إلَّا لَعِمِر مِتْأَخِّر But unfortunately, most youth do not realize the value of time until a later age. و بْكُونوا ضَيَّعُوا كْتِير أَشْيَاء بِحَيَاتْهُم ﻷنو قَضُّوا حَيَاتْهُم المَاضْيِة بِإِهْتِمَامَات تَافْهَة. And they would have wasted many things in their lives because they spent their past lives with trivial interests. العمر قَصِير واليوم اللي رَاح مَا رَح يِرْجَع. Life is short and the day that is gone will never come back. مْشَان هَيك, اللي بِيفْهَم قِيمِة الوَقْت مْنِيح رَح يَعْرِف يِسْتَغِل حَيَاتُو بْشَكِل صَحِيح Therefore, whoever understands the value of time well knows how to use his life in the right way.
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Gulf Dialect (Level 2)