此话不假。”都江堰”、这个世界水利文化的鼻祖,是一座屹立了超过2000年的水利建设的丰碑,今天仍在使用。That's true." Dujiangyan, the ancestor of the world's water conservancy culture, is a monument of water conservancy construction that has stood for more than 2,000 years and is still in use today.
它的建立,让成都平原变成了千里沃野,也使四川一跃成为“天府之国”。 Its establishment transformed the Chengdu Plain into a fertile field and made Sichuan a "land of abundance".
这是公元前276年(秦昭王后期)蜀郡守李冰组织岷江两岸人民、花了25年建成的。It was built in 276 BC by Li Bing, Governor of Shu County, who organized the people on both sides of the Minjiang River and took 25 years to build.
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