05.孟晚舟:选择比天赋更重要 Meng Wanzhou: Choice is more important than talent
05.孟晚舟:选择比天赋更重要 Meng Wanzhou: Choice is more important than talent
20 juin 2022
speaker:孟晚舟 Mèng Wǎnzhōu出生于中国四川,任正非之女,现任华为公司副董事长、首席财务官(CFO)。 Mèng Wǎnzhōu ,informally known in China as the "Princess of Huawei",is a Chinese business executive who is the deputy chair of the board and CFO of telecom giant and China's largest privately held company, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., founded by her father Ren Zhengfei. script: 因为我儿子今年初三。所以我之前跟他交流过。他大学应该读什么专业?什么专业更适合于他的这个性格特征?和适合他长项。我当时记得我跟我儿子说了一句话。我说你不管你将来选择什么样的职业,一定不要和选择和机器竞争的职业。等你毕业的时候,人工智能一定会方兴未艾。你那个时候去和机器竞争。你根本不是他的对手。工业革命解决了。人的一些工作由机器来承担,他解决了人的这个体力问题。而信息革命,他将解决人类的智力问题。所以我们会看到在未来10年,20年,很多的工作将会被机器承担。而我们在选择择业的时候,我们就要考虑还有什么样的工作是机器承担不了的。这是我们要去看到的第一个趋势。 选择 xuǎn zé ;to choose 人工智能 rén gōng zhì néng; artificial intelligence (AI) translation: Because my son is in the third year of junior high school. So I talked to him before. What major should he study in college.What major is more suitable for his character,and suits his strengths. I remember I told him that no matter what career you choose in the future, never choose an industry that competes with robots. By the time you graduate, artificial intelligence will be in the ascendant. If you go compete with robots then. You can't beat them. The Industrial Revolution has solved the problem that some of the work of man is undertaken by the robots, which solves the physical problem of human beings. As for the information revolution, it will solve the problem of human intelligence. So we will see the fact that in 10 or 20 years, a lot of work will be done by robots. And when we choose a career, we have to consider what kind of jobs can’t be undertaken by robots. This is the first factor we need to consider.
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