4. How we speak with others & why we should talk to ourselves
4. How we speak with others & why we should talk to ourselves
14 janvier 2024
In this episode, I make some observations about different conversational styles among native and non-native English speakers. I am generalizing, of course, and these are just my thoughts, based on what I've experienced in my life. * I'd love to hear what YOU think! What have you observed? Here are some questions you might want to talk to yourself or write about - as we reflect on the year that has ended. Maybe you want to create a short monologue by recording your thoughts in a voice memo on your phone. Or perhaps you could try writing down your ideas on your phone or on a piece of paper. Do it for 5 or 10 minutes, and don't worry about your grammar or vocabulary. Writing is a great PROCESS - an exercise where you can use your English - anywhere, anytime, without a teacher or a listener. So getting in the HABIT of writing or speaking to yourself is as important as the words you use. Over time, your skills will improve! ---- QUESTIONS TO ANSWER ----- What does the word SUCCESS mean to you? What does SUCCESS LOOK LIKE to you? What is something you have SUCCEEDED AT? Based on YOUR definition of success - what made 2023 a successful year for you? What will make 2024 a successful year for you? And here's a THOUGHT EXPERIMENT and a WRITING EXERCISE. Imagine it is December 31, 2024. Using past tenses, write about what made 2024 a successful year for you. (This may feel strange, but it’s a great exercise for your English and for your mind! It can be fun and transformative, too!) ------- *Note - In this episode, I make the mistake of using the word "American" to refer to people from the US. This is a bad habit that I am (still) trying to break. The truth is that we are all Americans in the whole hemisphere - North and South. But, as they say, "old habits die hard" or existing patterns are hard to change.
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