28 septembre 2022
❗️Today we are going to talk about something very sensitive! "Relationship between Taiwan and China." The People Republic of China Minster of Foreign Affairs addressed a speech in the UN. What did he say? How do I think? Let's find out! 今天我们要来谈很”敏感“的主题,台湾和中国的两岸关系。 中国外交部长,在联合国发表演说。他说了什么?我的看法如何? 让我们一起来听听这一集吧! 生词: 演說 yǎnshuō 扯 chě 属于 shǔyú 陆委会 Lùwěihuì 回应 huíyìng
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LLearn with Yu ZheEnseignant professionnel